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Invention Agreement Binding Employee


FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of being employed by [Company], hereinafter "Company", I, [Name of employee], intending to be legally bound, agree as follows:

I. During the tenure of my employment, I agree to inform the Company of any inventions, improvements, or refinements for processes or equipment that may come about as a result of my employment or as a result of any research ideas discussed in a collaborative effort with another employee of said Company; OR that may come about while using the Company's equipment and plant, or on Company time or in conjunction with any other Company employee; OR are related to any aspect of or line of business of the Company, either currently operating or currently being planned to operate.

II. I hereby convey and relinquish to the Company all rights and title to any of the inventions, improvements or refinements subject to paragraph I. above, which I may create.

III. I will sign and execute any document required by the Company to register, perfect and protect any patent that may come about by my efforts on behalf of the Company.

IV. This agreement shall continue in force after cessation of my employment with the Company, whether voluntary or at the discretion of the Company.

Signed Date

Notary Public: [Name of notary public]

My commission expires on: [Date commission expires]